Adding A Digital Billboard

01. Step 1 - From Dashboard > Click “Billboard” > "Billboard Listing " Click Digital Sub category > Click “+ADD” >  Select Billboard Type "Digital Billboard"


02. Step 2 - Search your billboard by location or if you have Coordinates Please add them in the right field (Country, State, District, Address will be fetch the data automatically from the Coordinated provided by you)> Fill all the Required Filed of Billboard Details (Board Name, Display Name, Screen Facing, Category, Board type, Market Segment)> Please tick the Active and Available button if your screen is available to buy and active. > Save & Next >


03. Step 3 - Specification > Please fill up all the required information (No. Panels, No. Screen, Resolution & Panel Width and height, Lead time Player Software, Panel Age and many more...) > Save and Next >


04. Step 4 - License > Please fill up and upload your license details of the billboard > Save & Next >


05. Step 5 - Configuration Tab > Please fill the detail of ( Screen on and off time, Spot Duration, Spot/hour, Clients in the loop, Maximum spots per day, minimum spots for day, mode of operation, spots reserved for platform, POI,  Programmatic Deals Details > Please tick MAX since X change tool screen need to be visible > Click save.


06. Step 6 - Add Media Select the Image and Upload them by clicking the "Upload" , once uploaded Please select the primary image by Click "Assign Image" and select your "primary Image" to Create the thumbnail of the Billboard.


07. Step 7 - Add Billboard Standard Monthly Rate, System will Automatically fill the Spot,Hourly, Day, Weekly Rates unless it is different please feel free to add your rate on the relevant field.

Adding A Classic Billboard

01. Step 1 - From Dashboard > Click “Billboard” > "Billboard Listing " Click Classic Sub category > Click “+ADD” >  Select Billboard Type "Classic Billboard"


02. Step 2 - Search your billboard by location or if you have Coordinates Please add them in the right field (Country, State, District, Address will be fetch the data automatically from the Coordinated provided by you)> Fill all the Required Filed of Billboard Details (Board Name, Display Name, Screen Facing, Category, Board type, Market Segment, Environment)> Please yes the Active and Available button if your screen is available to buy and active. > Save & Next >


03. Step 3 - Specification > Please fill up all the required information (Site Code, Description, Panel Width and height, Remarks, Facing, Board Position, Distance, Illumination many more...) > Save and Next >


04. Step 4 - License > Please fill up and upload your license details of the billboard > Save & Next >


05. Step 5 - Add Media Select the Image and Upload them by clicking the "Upload" , once uploaded Please select the primary image by Click "Assign Image" and select your "primary Image" to Create the thumbnail of the Billboard.


06. Step 6 - Add Billboard Standard Monthly Rate, System will Automatically fill the Spot,Hourly, Day, Weekly Rates unless it is different please feel free to add your rate on the relevant field.

Adding A Network

01.  Step 1 - From Dashboard > Click “Billboard” > Click Network Sub category > Click “+ADD” >  Click Network Type "Digital or classic Network"


02.  Step 2 -Select all the billboard that you need in the network  > Click Add Network>


03.  Step 3 - Edited the following details ( Network Name, Standard Rate, Panel Specification, Resolution, Panel Size, Spots / Hour, Clients in the loop, Maximum spots per day, minimum spots for day, Screen on off time, spots reserved for platform, Standard Rate, Category ) > Mark all the Available dates > Click Save and next


04. Step 4 - Add Billboard Standard Monthly Rate, System will Automatically fill the Spot,Hourly, Day, Weekly Rates unless it is different please feel free to add your rate on the relevant field.


SSP - LMX Default Billboard Preference

01.  Step 1 - From Dashboard > Click “Billboard” > Click "Set Preferences"


02.  Step 2 - Select Billboard Type >Classic Set of Billboard or Digital Billboard


03. Step 3 – Based on the Billboard Select Please set your Default preferences for new billboard add ons. Such as ( Format, Language , Availability, Lead Time, Illumination, Content Approval, Video Type, Audio Type,  No. Panel Specification, Resolution, Panel Size, Spots / Hour, Clients in the loop, Maximum spots per day, minimum spots for day, Screen on off time, spots reserved for platform, Standard Rate, Category ) > Mark all the Available dates >